
The other day I made a brave move and decided to tell my parents about my panic attacks and anxiety. I have told my mum before that i get panic attacks but i made out it was nothing much.
So this time i told them I have suffered from this for 7 years I am on med for it and I told them about one of my more (even more than usual) scary panic attacks I even told them i cant work because of it. (I get really worried people think im lazy because I dont work)
I kind of felt better after telling them it made me feel vunerable because they knew but better none the less.
My mum then told me that she used to get panic attacks as well.
My problem with telling them is they havnt mentioned it at all since that day! not even how are you, or how can we help. Now if I was the mum and my child told me this I would be v concerned and ask if I could help and generally support me! they both seem to be so wrapped up with their own lives that even if you make it blatently obvious you still dont get help
[V] This has relly hurt me because it was such a big step now I wish i never told them.
sorry im going on and on. blah blah blah
can someone help? does anyone feel the same?