well last night i had to take 2 sleeping pills as i was a bag of nerves before my colonscopy i woke this morning to tell my mum i just cant do this it was the same old problem the crystal ball ,predicting the choking sensation , sweating and just a geberal panic attack.
well i got to the hospitol and had to wait for an hour in the waiting room i just got my head into a magazine , then i got called through to a room to put my gown on i was in hear for 40 mins and the palms began to sweat and the crazys thoughts started.
i was then called through to the observation room where there were two nurses who said the dr would be along soon , as soon as he came in i said i suffered from anxiety/panic he calmed me and got me sedated pretty quick , compared to some people i spoke to afterwards the sedation didnt knock me out like others still i put my breathing techniques and managed to hold it together all in all i was there for 4 hours it certainly wasnt a picnic but i got through it ,
i hate depression/anxiety it just makes everything such hard work , everyone just looked so chilled out to me smiling away chatting with each other where as i was in a corner clock watching.
i suppose i can take a posotive in the fact that i made it through the whole thing