Against my better judgement, I followed Doctors instructions to stop taking my 10mg of citalopram whilst I was on antibiotics for whooping cough. He said that they reacted with each other and I needed to come off totally.

I was t sure about this, so I took 5mg for about 4 days (without taking the antibiotics) and then stopped the citalopram and started the anitibiotics.

I know it was far too quick, but I was panicking about the reaction I may have had between the 2 tablets, and I couldn't go any longer coughing the way I was at the time.

I am now having some really bad body zaps, all down my right hand side. It is even effecting my bottom lip and my right eye. I went to a different Doc who said it was all normal, but didn't comment on how quickly I had come down off them. Apart from those, I do actually feel ok! Lol

Is it worth going back onto 5mg a day again for say...2 weeks before dropping to 5mg every other day, or should I just ride out these body zaps and hope they get better soon?? Not seeing my proper Doc until next Monday so can't ask her advice!!

What do people think? Has anyone any advice for me??