I had 1.5 hours sleep worrying about it :( I have to say though that it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. The doctor was a lovely lady. Asked lots of questions and when she asked about if I could go out on my own I said occasionally I can and she said "Well I think we had better say you can't as with anxiety you won't know from day to day how you will be and won't be able to plan things." My step daughter told her that some days I can't even make it down the stairs. If anything I felt that she was prompting me to say things that would give me more points. She also said that she was hopeful that the letters I had taken from my GP and Psychologist would help in my case. She apologised that it is not her who makes the final decision. She then did some tests to see if I could lift my arms up, move my head touch my toes etc. She said I didn't move my left foot very well (the one I fractured) so would put that down. I was so anxious while I was in there that I sat and cried through most of it. I also had a dizzy spell when she asked me to stand up and she noticed I was going dizzy. She said it may be 8 weeks before I hear anything. I am pleased it is over with. I have a sickness review at work at 1:10 so my anxious day isn't over with yet :(