
I'm scared that my DR and DP have turned in to something else, my thoughts are getting increasingly more weird and I feel scared.
I had a thought this morning that I was hanging upside down on the world, which ok we sort of are but I can't feel it, but it set of a panic attack and freaked me out.
I'm scared that I'm going to lose all touch with reality and I won't believe people when they tell me that I'm wrong. I'm scared that I won't go back to normal and it feel like a life sentance. I'm scared when I look at the sky, I'm scared when I think about the world beneath me.
I look at things say a wall and it makes me feel scared as though its not really there or its going to zoom at me and freak me out.
I worry that I'll lose all control and go crazy. I feel muffled as though there is a sheet of plastic over my eyes all the time, and I'm just a step behind everyone else. I feel like I'm detatched from this world and I can't reach anything because I can't really feel it.
I sometimes feel like I have lost my physical senses like touch, taste, smell and they won't come back.

I'm even scared of having a bath because my bathroom scares me, it doesn't seem real, I think its because when I first started feeling like this that where it happened.
I can't concentrate very well, I can't sleep, I've lost my appetite. I don't have a job and I'm finding it hard to focus on getting one. I don't want to tell my family how I feel because they thought I was getting better.
Its been like this since october now, everyday, 24/7. The only relief I get is when I fall asleep but I wake up with the same thoughts and they go on all day.

I'm sorry for the long winded post and sorry if I sound like a complete crazy person. But I just don't know what to do. I was having cbt it healped but then it stopped. I was on tablets but they made me worse.
What can I do now, I feel like giving up and stop fighting because I'm never going to win and be normal again.
I feel so sad that my life has turned out like this it never used to be!! I was so happy before, I had goals and dreams and its all gone.
I don't know what to do now.
How do other people cope, are you still happy even though you have this? I just don't know!!
Hannah x