I've not been on here for a while and I have been on numerous anti depressants ranging from sertraline, venlafaxine, fluoxetine,and most recently citalopram, citalopram worked quite well but I came off it due to increased sweating which affected my job,. I then went to see my doctor who then put me on mirtazapine I started off on 15mg and as i had already been on antidepressants prior to this,the transition had no adverse side effects and a couple of months into them I started to get severe back pains to the point I even went for X-rays and I also put on over a stone in 3 months which I was happy about because my constant worry and anxiety has always kept me skinny I'm 5'8" and only weigh just short of 10stone.
I came off the mirtazapine about 6 months ago after wheening myself off them as my shortness of breath started to creep back in and I was having panick attacks again even on the meds. At the time I was on the full dose of 45mg so couldn't increase further and it was as if my body was used to them and I was back to square one.
I have been doing well at work until recently this past few weeks being very negative towards my job and feeling anxious all the time to full blown panick attacks which last throughout the day.
So I have booked a week off work and decided I cannot do this alone and need to go back on my meds and I opted to back on the mirtazapine as after I come off them for 6 months the weight dropped off me again and it's the only one that hasn't given me the side effect of sweating,. I had the mirtazapine in my drawer of 45mg so I snapped them in half and had my first one yesterday at around 9pm and it knocked me out after an hour, I woke around 8am and as it was the first day of my week holiday so it doesn't affect my job as I am aware I will have some side effects and it did knock me out and feeling groggy all day and I went to bed at 4pm and only just woke up now and had my second 22.5mg and not looking forward to being spaced out tomorrow and hoping a week is long enough off work to get my body used to them whilst I'm off. I'm going to see my doctor in the morning if I can get up for open surgery at 9am and explain what has been going on with me,. I work in a very high pressure sales job where I am very competitive at being number 1 in the company where my earnings are such that I won't leave, even though I know the high pressure role isn't doing my health any favours,. I work 9-8pm daily and every weekend etc.
And customers that are very difficult that get under the skin and timewasters are my biggest grudgebear hence me going back on the meds.
I am getting married in November and it can be quite stressful paying for it alone with no help from either side of the family nor any input from either side of the family but our families are another story and if I start going on about them I will just get worked up so I will leave it there.
I will update this thread tomorrow and any advice given is greatly appreciated And I know the meds are not the answer but I just need a break from the anxiety for a short while whilst arranging my wedding and who knows once I'm married I might look at alternate less stressful employment.