Tomorrow I am planning on going out with my camera and taking pictures of the world around me, this is to challenge myself for my blog! (link is below) but I am very nervous... I keep imagining the worst possible scenarios. That I get run over, mugged, raped, killed, laughed at, attacked, told off, shouted at, judged, chased... I keep thinking that if I take my camera out, people will stop and ask me questions about it, and treat me as a criminal! I know these are silly fears, but I guess that is why I'm an agoraphobic.

I just wanted to start a thread to ask other peoples tips on how to cope? I know music in your ears can help, and dressing nicely before, and doing your little "routines" on preparing yourself, like locking up securely and having a bag full of essentials like purse... but does anyone else have any advice for me? :( I am determined to do this on my own, as meeting someone is usually what I do to calm down. But I want to face this head on, even if it is just ten minutes outside. Hoping to hear some thoughts and ideas, and your own experiences of what has helped you calm down when you are anxious and panicking Thank you - Grace