hi everyone...
my current disease this week is cervical cancer,i had my last smear 3 and a half years ago..current guidelines in my area are every 5 years at my age (26)...im worried as i started spotting last week(week and a bit too early for period) and had pains low down...been to docs twice already...she doesnt think its anything maybe infection so she did a swab and examination(though i know i pressured her into it)...then asked if i could have a smear done early but she didnt look happy as i gather she thinks im just being my usual over reactive self...but im now becoming obsessed and know im not gonna be happy till i get the smear done!
just wondering how often does everyone else get these done and do you think im being over reactive and should wait till next month and see what happens...worse is since ive had this problem ive read magazines which have articles about it and every where i look even telly this morning had a feature about cervical cancer....god why does this happen you think you are getting over one thing then bang another smacks you in the face....
sorry to go on