
I am CCD, a documentary film maker from the UK and my most recent project is how the internet has created a new breed of hypochondriac, the Cyberchondriac.

I am one of the guilty ones for believing that a dose of the common cold is meningitis, a sore head from sitting in front of the computer all day is the Big C and that those pains in my chest after a work out at the gym is my heart failing, not muscle strain.

My journey began after a panic attack on holiday one year & my healthy anxiety sky rocketed and I couldn't help but ask Dr Google for his diagnosis...

So, what I would love is if people could share their story with me...

When did your obsession with Dr Google begin?

Did you have any anxiety issues, whether general or specifically health related, before discovering the wealth of medical advice available online?

Has the internet ever actually given you the correct diagnosis?

Do you shy away from visiting the Doctor because you are scared they will confirm what you have diagnosed online?

If you do visit the doctor, do you go in with your diagnoses ready to tell them?

When they don't diagnose you with what you believe you have, do you ever seek a second opinion?

These are just some of the questions I pose to you. If you feel that you are able to share your story with me please either reply here either with your story or with a contact email address. You can follow me on twitter ; DrGoogleSearch.

I look forward to hearing from you,