Hi All

I really want to go and see my daughter. She lives in Kent which is 3 hours away by train.
Well my dad has offered to pay for my husband and me to go and see her and stay in a hotel for a few days.

Yesterday I was really positive and was going to go soon.
I've been reading Claire Weekes and a book called the Anxiety Cure.
Of course I could do it. Easy Peasy. NOT!!!!

I had a bad night with only 3 hours sleep and now am full of 'what ifs'

I also have a fear of jumping out of the window.
Last year I went and where we stayed was on the 3rd floor with a balcony - lovely views over the sea - I developed this fear of sleepwalking and jumping off the balcony even though I dont sleepwalk so at night I was really stressed.
Where did that thought/fear come from

This year we will be staying in a different hotel.
In the brochure it said windows that open.. Arghhh that set of the anxiety again

Also the journey last year was horrendous.
I had palpitations and panic all the way there and all the way back. I have been on the train since doing short journeys and was fine once I got on the train but am worried about being bad like i was last year.
Why does all the theory go out the window?

Probably cause I am so tired today
Any tips would be appreciated

Pam x