Hey all. Though I'd join up to share the experience, seeing as I've been reading these forums for a bit.

I took my first citalopram 20mg last night after staring at the box for a few days, just took the second tonight. Feeling ok up until earlier today, strong waves of panic and dissociation but it did pass. I'm feeling ok again, jaw feels sore from tensing and a lump in the throat which feels weird. I took lexapro from late 2010 to mid 2012 and it was the same starting them. This time thought I also got a bottle of diazepam so I do feel I have a safety net should things get too much. I keep reminding myself every time I feel a bit weird that I also felt weird last week before taking them, so either way it's nothing new I guess.

I'll try keep this updated as I go. Also, I'm taking these for anxiety/depression. I pretty much had it all beat and went off meds late last year, and it came back with a vengeance a few weeks ago so I'm pretty much back to square one. Oh well, here we go again.