
Could anyone here give me some advice on whether it is ok to drink alcohol while taking Pregabalin?

I am keen to try Pregabalin for my GAD and SA as I've heard good things.

I drink at the weekends, usually with friends when we go to the pub or a club. Do any of you guys drink alcohol whist taking this medication? Does it interact in any way?

I have been self-medicating with Zopiclone for the past 4 years and I am desperate to get off of them and onto some which is properly prescribed by my doctor. I've tried a number of different SSRIs and they just don't do anything for my anxiety. Most recently I have been in Sertraline (Zoloft) and it has made me feel even worse.

The only thing I have found that works is Zopiclone. Even Diazepam doesn't work for me. It just makes me feel groggy and unable to think.

Any help would be much appreciated as I really do not want to continue self-medicating.

