I was always a guy who gave off a bit of social pressure, always a bit neurotic when socializing in highschool and such. But I always pinned that down to simply being insecure.

Nowadays I have some signs of it, but not with everyone. i.e I feel completely comfortable with my girlfriend, any basically anyone I have no need to get validation from.

But there are moments I feel it, avoiding eye contact, not bothering to speak up. Sometimes when in a group of new people I don't feel anxious, I just don't interact much thinking I have no interest in socializing, but I do feel like that's just a coping mechanism.

I always feel a lot of pressure to force talk when meeting someone new, trying way too hard to come off as interesting or friendly, I hardly ever enjoy the interactions anymore, just feel like I'm in the spotlight when someone tries to talk to me.

So do I have SA or am I just insecure or antisocial?

Also a small probably irrelevant example, today I smoked a bit of marijuana and went to buy a ticket to see hangover 3 and talking to the teller I was almost shaking a bit, I almost found it funny from 3rd person perspective, I'm a muscular 6'1 guy and I couldn't even handle myself in that situation.

I'm just sick of feeling so drained talking to new people, I'm finding myself avoiding socializing