Hi all,

I've been prescribed 10mg amitrityline for migraine which I've been suffering with for over two years. Been on lots of meds for this but none have suited me. My G.P. has been trying to persuade me to try amitryltyline for ages but I've been reluctant to try them. Now however, after having four migraine attacks in one week , I have agreed to give them a try.
I also have been taking 2.5 - 5mg diazepam, as and when required, to help with neck spasms which usually prempt a migraine attack.
My question is can I still take dizepam safely if I need to? My G.P. obviously knows what medication I'm on and didn't say anything about not taking them but due to all the problems I've had in the past with medication I wondered if anyone here had taken both of these safely.
I'm due to go back to G.P. next week to see how things are going so can check then but wondered if anyone could help in the meantime.
