Hi all I'm sorry about the title but that is how I feel at the moment. I am feeling a whole lot better after my latest blip. I just wonder how much longer this will go on for? I think that I came to the realisation a long time a go that in order to manage my illness/long term I would be taking meds for life. I don't know how they are going to affect my long term health? I am on lithium and mirtazapine. I have also heard today that my niece has lost her children back to her ex husband. In effect she has lost the custody battle and the Court has deemed her an unfit Mother and unstable because she has mental health problems.There is much more to it than than that. I just can't imagine how this young woman must be feeling. I know it would send me to the brink of a break down. A few years ago my mental health was very unstable and my son was quite young. An admission to hospital was on the cards.my husband could have said that I was an unfit Mother because of my instability. Fortunately my son is now much older and I have plenty of support but you can see how these situations develop. If you have a social worker then they might put together whole pack of lies against you. This is what I feel has happpened in my nieces case. She has the support of her family but aparantly that has not been enough against his solicitor and the social worker. EJ