Hi my name is jordan, im a 21 year old male. I have been suffering from anxiety for about a year now, mainly health anxiety. I had a break through for about a month straight where i had no worries at all. Until my girlfriend was threatened with eviction so we decided to get a place together and find £2000 to pay for it all putting so much stress on me causing me to revert back to anxiety. It's got to the point where i dont like being left alone just incase something happens to me. I find myself trying to talk to anyone just to pass the time until i have company again.

Lately my health worries have been due to thinking i have oral/throat/stomach cancer amongst other things like thinking im having a heart attack. Even though i have spoke to my doctor and read the statistics on someone at my age and in my health and with no family history getting cancer nothing seems to ease my mind.

All these worries bring on other things that i end up thinking are "symptoms" such as the ache/lump in the throat feeling and dizzyness and lightheadedness. I have also been feeling very tired and weak which has also sent me thinking that i have something more serious when it could all be down to stress, anxiety.

I'm just not the person i used to be anymore. I used to be so independant and love having time alone to practice guitar and draw and many other things but now i find myself that worried that all i focus my time on is feeling for lumps and trying to find things that i think are wrong. It's hard to believe i used to be so normal because of how bad things are now :( when i think about things more and more i tend to get a choking sensation as if someone is pressing on my windpipe amongst other feelings such as- Fatigue, night sweats, nightmares, dizzyness, chest pain, breathless feelings, difficulty eating and swallowing.

I guess im just looking for someone to talk to about all this and get some re-assurance and ask if anyone else has had these problems and to give me someone to talk to whilst im alone instead of worrying all the time.

Sorry this is such a big post i just had quite a lot to get off my chest
