Afetr bad SSRI experiences( Citalopram, sertraline) with mega increased anxiety I have started on ami on the advice of neurologist

I have black tongue and some blurred vision but only 2 weeks in at 5mg, the neuro wants me up to 50mg! go up 5mg every 2 weeks which will take forever for anti anxiety effect?

Im also due to see a phych, what levels of ami work for anxiety? (mine is quite high- jitteriness due to stopping SSRI early , just a few days and then probably fuelling my anxiety) and what could he combine it with for anxiety and some resulting depression?.Or take me off the ami and start something else

my life is way off normal at the moment and hoping the pych can ramp me up on something else too

i have diazepam as a back up but reluctant to take unless dire emergency
