
I suffer from agoraphobia and, until recently, hadn't been downstairs and outside for a year. I'm slowly getting better, but it's still a major struggle - like yesterday, i got stuck downstairs for 2 hours!

Now, i often think to myself, why am i so different to everyone else. There are things i want to do, so why can't i just do them? The thing is i want so much to take a holiday overseas to South America and, being the way i am, it's surely way to much to ask. I mean, first there's the travelling to the airport, then actually being in the crowded airport, then the flying bit, then the stress at the other end too. The whole journey is about 22 hours i think.

Part of me just wants to say 'sod it! let's just do it, what's the worst that could happen?' I don't see why i should have to even think twice about whether to go or not. Most people, if they wanted to go somewhere, would just go and do it. Why can't i do that? It's not fair that i can't do what i want to do because of this anxiety thing.

Anyway, my question is, can it be done?

