Hope this is in the right place...

I've always been quite highly-strung and prone to panic and anxiety, and have always coped until now. Maybe I *shouldn't* have, but that's by-the-by. In the past I've dealt with some major life stuff, surfed the panic and got through the other end.

Now, though, I'm on Prozac for the first time and I'm wondering if anybody has anything helpful to say about when the anxiety is rational? I have a very serious work situation (shan't bore you!) which basically seems to be leading to the point where I shall be unemployed - in itself that will be a relief because I've been bullied - and then I shall have to start over at 52.

Bizarrely, I remain optimistic (I'm pretty resilient by nature) against the odds. My current problem is that I need to arrange a 'Welfare' meeting with management. My Union guy is very supportive and will be there too. But I've realised the mere thought of the meeting is making me feel so ill that I can't see how it is ever going to take place! Obviously it is something I need to do. I realise I need to work out what outcomes etc I need, but the Duty of Care has been such that illegal things have been going on (ie not addressing the Grievance I put in before I went off sick, not making referrals to Occy Health, docking a Management Point off my salary without negotiation). So I have no confidence in the outcome of any meeting. (It's in the context of a school/LEA).

I have no interest in pursuing legal action - I don't think it would be helpful to my recovery. (FWIW I have been told I would have a case for Constructive Dismissal but the law is such that it would be so hard to bring that I'm not prepared to go through the stress).

Has anybody here ever had to go to a meeting that they felt too ill to make? How did you get through it?
