Feeling fine other than these 2 things that are worrying me slightly so if anyone can reassure me or give me a kick up the ass id appreciate it

I have had a sore scalp for over a week now, hurts when I brush over left side of head esp left side of crown, dr had a look couldn't see anything but of course im thinking its linked to something nasty. Am I daft?

Also I keep suffering with my sinuses, must be this heat. Dr told me not to take the anti bs because you only need anti bs for sinuses if your face hurts , you have a temp and green snot pouring out, nice, sorry Anyway I just keep getting the odd headache, ear ache and face ache but its on & off, been bad over the last 2 weeks in all this heat. DR said its probably more likely inflammation and justt he climate so said to use a nasal spray. I keep worring it will turn into meningitis because I was silly enough to read on NHS and Bupa sites after I had rhys & m y anxiety was really bad. It said chronic sinusitis cou;d lead to complications if left untreated and that symptoms are often milder, so im thinking thats me and ive chronic probs.

I keep worrying ive chronic probs as i suffer so often. Today my left ear feels full, under eye feels puffy and I feel exhausted.

These are the 2 things worrying me right now, why did my sinuses have to play up just as I finish my anti ds and was feeling so +. I am feeling ok other than these 2 things niggling in my head. I wish I could get into perspective just how rare meningitis is from sinus probs and that I don't have chronic probs and that my scalp isn't likely to be anything.

Arghhhhhh, sorry for typos aswell, im signing off now so abit rushed for time, gota get son to nursery.

Thanks if anyone has any wise words.

Jem xxxx