Thanks for all the great comments really made me feel like I'm not alone. I'm on a waiting list for CBT with the NHS but the waiting list is over a year long in my area! So trying to see if there is any way I can go private and get the help I need sooner. I am also reading a book called 'At Last A Life' by Paul David, it's about his own struggle with GAD and Depersonalisation and how he got over it.

I find it hard to control my breathing so I'm not sure the technique is so good for me, when I've been concentrating on it for a while I feel like when I don't I can't breathe, like my body has forgotten. Of course it's just the anxiety trying to freak me out.

Trying not to have to be on medication, I've been on it before and developed a kind of fear of taking tablets because they didn't have the desired affect on me. I kind of believe that there must be a way to get better by myself without medication, I feel like I wouldn't be truly better otherwise. Obviously I know it's necessary sometimes just to see you through. Maybe I'm fighting a losing battle.

Sleep definitely feels like my only respite, I wish I could choose when I'm conscious at the moment, feels like I've just come out of a coma or something and forgotten how to live.