I've been having pain in my left man boob for quite a few weeks now, maybe about 2 months. I can feel quite a few lumps in there too. I do have breast tissue due to me being over weight. I told my GP and she examined both man boobs and said everything seemed fine. But to come back if it gets painful or the lumps get bigger. I've also been getting sharp achy pain in my left arm pit, well slightly lower than that actually, more rib area.

As well as all this I've been getting left testicle pain for a few days, no 'new' lumps though. But I've been reading that testicular cancer can spread to the breast tissue and chest in men... :-(

Apparently male breast cancer has a rate of 1 in 100 000, but I do have several risk factors, obesity and my grandmother had breast cancer TWICE, 15 years apart.

Is this just health anxiety running away with me? I'm only 24 years old and the average age of diagnosis for male breast cancer is 70...