I am not depressed at the moment but I am aware that I could be on the edge of a mood change. I have had a period of prolonged stress which is now nearly over. My hospital stay was not pleasant but I coped. It seems that my body goes into extreme coping mode. I could have had longer off work to rest after my operation but I decided to go back because if I'm off it would begin to affect my mental health. I can't swim at the moment because of the op which would help with my mood. I'm sleeping ok but waking early but then it could be because of the extreme heat we have all been having. It is definitely like a mind shift- pushing away the negative mood and weepiness. My S rings the bells at Church and wanted me to find the Westminster Abbey Royal Cambridge Surprise Peal tears were pouring down my face. Why?? Depression is a state of mind for me but it has also been a way of life for me for such a long time. It is usually accompanied by paranoia, sleep disturbances and low mood. Recently I had a 'blip' with my medication. Even through all that I managed to tap into some sort of 'super energy' it was like flicking a switch. Interesting?Anyone else feel like this? EJ