Can anyone please, please help me? I am leaving for a two week long, travelling holiday in Europe in 3 days. I am going with my best friend, but I don't want to ruin her holiday or upset her by telling her how I feel.

Whenever I think of this holiday, I become extremely anxious. I feel physically sick, shaking, I feel as though my legs are about to give out and am often near tears. I feel genuinely terrified and I don't know what to do.

I am not on medication and am not able to get to any before I leave. Contributing to my anxiety is the fact that this is my first holiday without my parents and I'm afraid of getting homesick as I'll be in a different country, there's nothing I can do to see them.

Can anyone please share any experiences or any tips to help me relax slightly and enjoy this holiday? Everyone keeps saying that it's a once in a lifetime opportunity and to enjoy it, honestly, I can't wait to get home.

Please help, I'm desperate.