
Wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar and point me in a possible direction.

Long story short , general and social anxiety, 14 years now, half of my life :( .

Over the years various SSRI's and others, Fluoxetine, Escitalopram, Citalopram, Sertraline, Paroxetine, Propanolol : all of which gave extremley bad side effects ranging from shakes so bad i couldnt write, twitches every two seconds, unbearable pressure in my head, 11/10 on the anxety scale, and generally having a bad time.

Currently started clomipramine, not really having much confidence in this so far as i can feel the shakes comming back after a few days, was told that another option would possibly be Quetiapine after that, but im starting to loose the will to keep trying different tablets and really only looking to give one more tablet a shot after many years of unsuccess, don't want to hog the NHS .

Has any one had similar issues with ssri's , i have been told perhaps im sensitive to certain types of medication, just wondering if other people were similiar did they find a medication that worked or a medication from a specific group that worked?

Kind regards,
