Maybe this is weird, but I'm gonna throw it out there to see if anyone else feels the same way.

Facebook is a brutal source of anxiety for me. Seeing photos of negative people from my past, reading about what other people are doing without me, seeing how other people talk to/about each is a major trigger for my social anxiety and depressive mood swings. It's like the unpleasantness of socialising has found a way to reach me when I'm alone in the safe space of my room. Sometimes I can't stop myself from scrolling through the posts, though...

Obviously the easiest cure for this is to delete it, but I need it to stay a part of things at university so that's not an option. I've recently started 'hiding' all posts from certain people to prevent seeing anything that will upset me.

Does anyone else have problems like this with Facebook? It feels ridiculous to let a website bother me as much as it does.