Hi All
I have been lurking around these boards for a while and anyone that has read my one and only post will know that I suffered an adoption breakdown a month or so ago, and for some reason it has shattered my entire world. Went to doctor a month ago and got put on citalopram, after 2 weeks I couldn't bear the side effects so went on Mirtazapine, which I felt like I had been hit by a bus, no luck either with Trazodone.

I managed to get an appointment with the senior GP at my practice and he listened to me for 45 minutes, rather than fobbing be off with more pills that won't work but will help me sleep.

The nice GP put me on 25mg of Amiltriptyline and apart from feeling a bit grotty for 2 days and a dry mouth so far so good. Doc has said for me to up my dose tonight to 50mg, but I am scared, will I sleep tonight and will I feel really shit tomorrow?