I actually rang my doctor's surgery today and have got myself a telephone appointment with the doctor on Monday. I told the receptionist that I didn't really want to waste the doctor's time with an actual in person appointment as I didn't think there was anything else she'd actually do in terms of physical examination, but that I'd just like to speak to her about my test results and ongoing symptoms, and she said that was fine. Unfortunately the doctor I've been seeing isn't in until Monday, but that's OK. So I'm going to ask the doctor not only to go through what the tests showed (I don't need to know the actual levels of whatever that were found; I just want to know what they tested for!) but also whether she thinks the length of recovery time still seems within the realms of 'normal', or at least 'not cause for concern'. It sounds like it is, I think - I've been a bit unlucky to be affected for this long, perhaps, but I know I'm not alone!