I have this anxious feeling which I would describe as being scared. It feels like my head is spinning inside and a fear goes down my body. This is making feel really down and I am really afraid that I will wake up feeling this way in the morning. That would (as in the past) panic me.

The only time I get any relef is when I go to bed and listen to a hypnosis mp3. I spoke to the doctor on weds about this but I am not keen on going on another set of drugs (I'm on 40mg of citalopram) and he didn't seem keen on giving me anything.

Underlying all this is that when I was young I used to get scared when my brothers had a fight and all the associated shouting would kick off. Because of this I'm literally afraid of people shouting at each other. So with a gobby new neighbour I'm afraid of when she will go off on one. Silly really.

Sorry if this little moan is in the wrong place. But I just feel I needed to post this and see if anyone can give some advice :-(