Well it's good that you are giving some thought to what could lie ahead, that way you can prepare for help if necessary thru doctors and midwives. Of course, you might be absolutely fine!!
I've had 2 children and basically had a nervous breakdown (I think the modern term is post traumatic stress syndrome!). After my first, I was so anxious I started to bang my head off walls in hospital and then wanted the forms to put the baby up for adoption.(!!) after the second, I felt pretty much the same way but this time help was on hand with lots if support from CPN, midwife and docs. However what made the biggest and most outstanding difference was the most simple thing in the world. Are you ready for it? Breast feeding! I bottle fed the first thinking that I was so anxious my milk wouldn't come, but persevered with the second and that forced the bonding, and actually relatively quickly I was recovering. I cannot tell you how much it helped.
Something to bear in mind. Hope you get on ok.