Wow, Pip, I never found that in my searches. Thanks, it's much appreciated.

It's more in plain English than the MIMS site I looked at.

Looks like abrupt cessation of duloxetine is a no-no. I went without one yesterday felt fine, took one today and anxiety sky high.

I'm sure the GP will want me to withdraw fully from duloxetine before swapping that to amitriptyline but I don't want to wait 4 weeks before starting the new regimen. The switch is complicated by the fact I'll be remaining on mirtazapine, so cross-tapering is out.

There's the possibility of going onto Prozac for a week instead of duloxetine as that tapers itself, but although my Doc is pretty understanding he's told me before he won't prescribe drugs to treat side effects of another drug, so I doubt he will for withdrawal symptoms either.

Even though I felt fine yesterday without the drug I know it's half-life and that would be the calm before the storm of withdrawal symptoms.

Si I'm going for 60 mg every other day till I see him, then 30mg for as long as he sees fit.

Thanks again for the info Pip.
