I have some mild anxiety and this affects my sleep, I am able to fall asleep but will wake up again within an hour. I repeat this all night long, probably waking 6 times a night and lying awake for 30-60 mins each time. I am now on Antitrityline, the first night I had great sleep on 20mg but felt spaced out, a little dizzy and tired the following day (I did take it at bed time but now take it an hour before bed) on 10mg I wake up during the night.

My question is - will the side effects pass? I need 20mg for it to work properly but it takes its toll the following day, I don't "wake up" properly until about 4pm so work is challenging.

I've found that if I take it too early (2-3 hours before bed) I miss the drowsy sweet spot and end up being awake all night.

I tool 20mg an hour and a half before bed last night and slept great, trouble is I feel out of it today. Not as bad as when I took it the first time though.

I'm going to try 15mg and hour and a half before bed tonight and see how that does tomorrow.

Anyone else had any experience with this drug or the side effects?