Does anyone find that they feel worse in the days preceeding some event which they know could make them panick.

I have a particular problem with any event which means deviating from my usual routine (travelling away from home, social events, extraordinary meetings) and find that in the days preceeding I start to feel depressed and anxious. I've backed out of so many for one reason or another, and I'm sure that most of it is anxiety brought on by anticipation and catastrophizing.

Usually I end up disappointing both myself and the other persons involved. When I make myself go through with things I'm usually fine and feel better for having done it. But there are times when the fear gets the better of me and I just can't handle it.

At the moment I'm anticipating a visit to my parents tomorrow (my folks are lovely and very understanding but it means staying overnight away from home) and for two days already I've been having pains in my arms, a tight chest and throat, burning stomach and ribs and have a general sensation of the back cloud descending and a feeling that something awful is going to happen.

Do you get like this and what do you tell yourself to help get through it?