Hi there,

I've been given diazepam to help me with my fear of panicking on a plane flight I am due to take in a few weeks.

I generally don't need medication day-to-day anymore but I am freaking out about this flight (I have a real rear of inescapable situations) so my docs prescribed me 5mg of Diazepam for the flights.

I am planning on taking one tonight/tomorrow to see how I feel and make sure I don't have any side effects but I'm really nervous, reading the sheet that comes with it has freaked me out, it lists so many side effects (including anxiety?!).

It even says "don't take if you're pregnant, heart issues etc... and suffer from anxiety/depression" doesn't that defy the whole point?

Also is 5mg a lot? Browsing these forums it seems most people get 2mg? I don't want to me zonked out.

Any advice or reassurement would be amazing