I've been struggling through the last few months with a flare up of my HA and sure I have a brain tumour or something wrong in my brain. I can't shake the anxiety so I need to see the dr.

Thing is I can't get in to see my usual dr so I am seeing someone different and I'm worried I can't/won't tell them everything. I'd told myself whatever my dr says I'll believe her - she's a dr and knows what she's on about. But now I'm worried won't trust this one.

I feel like I'm forgetful, slur words, get words mixed up, I'm getting concerned with my floaters in my eyes, I keep getting an odd feeling in one side of my face and arm which I know is due to the very tight muscle in that side of my neck, but when I'm really worried I can't get my head around this. I have an obsession I that I keep smelling smoke. I just feel I'm going mad.

I'm going on holiday in 2 weeks and I don't want to spend the entire time worked up and anxious.