I started back in June I believe switching from paxil 40 mg to prozac 20 mg. It didn't seem to work and have increased to 40 sometime in July and now I'm on week 3 today of 80 mg.(started August 19th) The anxiety is high when I wake up and it takes me a while to get moving and I feel sort of out of it, which I then become a bit obsessive about how I am feeling and think "well something must be wrong here".. I just wanted to get some advice, my psychiatrist thinks I should hold out until the 6 week mark to make a decision on possibly changing meds ( I have panic disorder) I feel almost agoraphobic but have been pushing myself to go out and do things (I do have things that need to get done and I can;t just sit around) I guess just some words of encouragement. I've been looking on here at other people's journey on this med and no one is on nearly as high of a dose as I am. at some times the anxiety is so high I almost feel manic!! like I'm literally going to go insane. on top of all this I just recently had to get a temp crown on one of my teeth and its still pretty sore (which AGAIN makes me think "omg what if its never going to heal and it gets infected??!!!) I'm on antibiotics as well. *sigh* my sleep is really good I take mirtazapine 15mg and it seems to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. I just am looking for some words of encouragement I'm struggling with trying to stay positive and keep moving forward with the Prozac