I've had mine done today - not the most pleasant experience I've had, I've got to say!

Anyway they found nothing apart from some areas of inflammation, and they took some biopsies from these areas.

I am a bit upset coz I had thought that today was THE day, when either I would have to face something awful wrong with me, or accept nothing wrong and move on. However, I now have to wait 2-3 weeks for biopsy results. I'M SO SICK OF WAITING!!!!!

I'm not really sure what this inflammation means - they said it can go along with the diagnosis of IBS, but didn't say anything else. So now I'm worrying about what they DIDN'T say.

My Mum tells me it is a good thing they have done biopsies as will put my mind at rest that they have done a thorough examination. And my nurse friend tells me it is quite common for them to do biopsies. I guess they are both right, but still at the back of my mind I can't quite relax about it.

If anyone's had this done, can they offer any reassurance?

Thanx, Caroline