
My name is Lizi and I am 20 years old. I am in my last year in university and have been suffering from panic attacks for a year and a half now.
They come in waves and in my second year at university it was rare that I would have them. I am on citalopram that helped a lot but as I have returned to university I feel I have jumped back to square one.

I don't want to leave my home and move back to uni, I tried and just ran back home. All I seem to be doing at the minute is crying ALOT and having a lot of negative thoughts that I cant do it. It has even got to the point where I want to quit uni because I am scared. I don't want to go back even though I know I have to and I dread being left by my parents.

What can I do? Even thinking about it makes me upset and cry. I hate having panic disorder and it is just ruining my life at the minute :( xxx