Hi All,

I was supposed to go abroad today. My anxiety has put paid to that.

For the past 3 weeks or so, after 2 years off meds and pretty well controlled anxiety/panic, it has come again back badly. It started with general worry about stuff, working myself into a panic about some health problems (or what I think are health problems, but is probably anxiety driven - back and arm pain), then I began feeling edgy, and then the full blown anxiety again - sweating, depersonalisation, absolutely terrified for no reason, and crying constantly.

I restarted Escitalopram as I just couldn't work through it though I really tried. So far my anxiety has calmed slightly, but I am feeling really, really nauseous and what has stopped me going away is I now have awful back upper/mid back pain as well as this continued nausea.

I suffer from acid reflux on and off and I had gastritis/possible ulcer a few months ago. Due to this bout of anxiety I am experiencing reflux again and I also had the same back pain with that.

My mind is in a total stew. I don't know whether the back pain is pure anxiety from muscle tension or the acid reflux or something else. I am working myself into a panic about cardiac stuff, but my sensible brain tells me 'don't be stupid, this is all anxiety'. I have had a real problem recently when I walk out anywhere in public with heavy sweating, so I have put two and two together and come up with 'heart problem', but I know that heavy sweating can be anxiety too.

I feel such a failure that I didn't go away, but I travel alone and just couldn't face travelling while feeling so crappy and with this back pain and nausea.

Any thoughts/advice appreciated.