Hi all,

Just wondered if anyone can help, I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks on and off for a number of years, I am currently 1 month in on withdrawing from Citalopram.

Things were going good at first however for the past week or so I have literally been frightened to go to bed... when I close my eyes they feel like they are shaking and I just cannot switch off my heart is racing and even breathing techniques cant slow it down.

I have literally just got in from Morrissons and in the car coming home my heart started racing again but this time I could feel it in my throat and I am having difficulty swallowing, it feels like something small is stuck in my throat.

My main reason for posting this is a/ is this just anxiety or do I need to be checked out (might be worth mentioning that my anxiety is solely centred around my health and that of my family so I dont want to call doctor unless its necessary) and B/ can citalopram withdrawal still be causing anxiety after a month of not taking them? ( btw I tapered off gradually and went from 10mg to nothing on the advice of my doctor.

Please somebody help me I feel so scared I need to know what to do to get a good night sleep, I have valium in the cupboard but I dot really want to go down that route unless I have to.

thanks in advance x