Hi there,
My name is Sarah and I'm from the UK. I have depression and anxiety. I really need advice from somebody. This is going to be long so I really do apologise. And sorry for any spelling mistakes as I am on my phone.

I have been suffering with anxiety and depression for nearly two years. I was getting a lot better but these last few weeks have just been hell for me. I found out I was 9 weeks pregnant last month and I had a surgical abortion, it wasn't an easy decision to make but I felt it was the right one. On finding out I was pregnant my Step-dad kicked me out of the house and I had to go and live with my Uncle.

I was doing well at my Uncles, since Saturday I was slowly starting to feel my anxiety and depression quieten down, but today I did a very stupid thing at work. I was instant messaging someone in my office and we we're basically slagging someone off who works with us and my boss saw as he can see everything everyone does on their computers (which I didn't know) and me and my friend have both been suspended from work on the grounds of bullying.

My Uncle has now decided he doesn't want me living with him if I don't have a job and has told me to leave. The thing is I have nowhere to go. I am from Manchester but my Uncle lives in Sheffield and I can't drive back to Manchester right now because of my anxiety.

Everything that's gone wrong in my life is basically my own fault. I feel like everything I have good in my life I mess it up, like my job for example I am so stupid and I feel incredibly embarrassed about all of it. My head is spinning and I just need some advice. I'm sorry if this doesn't even make sense but I needed to get it out.

Thank you to anyone who replies.