Hi i would just like to question something my partner says to me...
when im at my worst and my partner says to me you will be fine, i always reply with..".but you dont know how i feel and if you havent experienced my symptoms then you cant possibly tell me im going to be fine ..cos you just dont know how bad i feel"...

I will then sometimes say just you hope you never get it cos there is no way you would be able to handle it!

He then replies "well i will never get anxiety and panic attacks as im too strong and i would not let it get a hold of me, you are being weak and need to tell yourself there is nothing wrong with you"

Dont get me wrong he does look after me and supports me and helps with the kids, but i just feel like he doesnt have a clue about what im going through, i think he thinks our physical symptoms are imagined
my question is..is he right to say we are weak thats why anxiety has a hold?
In a way i wonder has why do some people get panic attacks while others dont... are we just sensitive people?

I must say i admire his outlook on life and wish i could be more positive, he is happy whereas i curl up on the settee and wonder how long ive got before i pop my clogs..

I wish i could change ..but i cant