Hi guys. I have recently started on my 6th week of Zoloft. I upped my dosage to 150 mg about two weeks ago, and I have noticed dramatic improvements since I first started on the medicine.

All of my anxiety has pretty much passed along with the muscle twitching, fatigue, nausea, etc. When I first started the 150 mg I felt great, very happy and glad to finally see a turn for the better. However, I got to dwelling about my anxiety/intrusive thoughts a few days ago and ever since then I have felt very down and the thoughts seem to always be in the back of my mind - not overwhelming, but still enough to bug me.

I have read numerous articles stating that it takes 4-6 weeks to notice an improvement when taking Zoloft. I was just wondering how long I will be experiencing these things, as I am hesitant to increase my dosage even more. :/

Thanks for any advice.