I got my full blood test results back today which pretty much covered vitamins, iron levels, inflammation levels, WBC, thyroid etc and it came back normal but I keep questioning it. Does anyone else do this? I felt relief when she told me and a big smile broke out but then I started thinking "will the doctor call me back and I've received someone elses? Jeez!!!!! Why can't I give it up?!?!
I got tests done because for the last few weeks, if not months I had been getting dizzy spells, shakiness, weakness, sore breasts and arm pits, swollen glands, loss of appetite, IBS, in fact the list goes on so I had the lovely HA on top so I was scared out of my wits. They gave me this news today and I still don't feel like celebrating. I really do think coming off the pill has messed with my mind, both being on it for 13 years and coming off it. I have a psychology apt being processed at the moment but does anyone else question their results??