Pleased to hear u have decided to jack it in. When I started suffering with anxiety I went to the doctors and he basically said take these fluoxetine 20mg and in a couple of weeks u will be better. I went seriously downhill from there. I have 2 little kids and a father that I care for and I remember calling the docs saying look I'm losing my mind should I really feel this bad. Yes they said give it time. I remember the most horrible feeling of needing to escape myself I couldn't bare to b around my kids and I couldn't even lie in bed.
Luckily my bro who was taking mirt and told me to ask the doc for that instead. My doc will dish me out anything I ask for as it appears he didn't have a clue what was wrong with me.
Anyway I just wanted to say that I agree totally with u about mirt and luckily was off the ssri fairly quick. Also I have to keep remembering that it wasn't me in those early days it was the drugs that made me feel that bad.
They obviously do help a lot of people but I think if they make u feel as bad as I did then get off them as soon as.