
I am coming to the end of my degree (which has been a struggle) and once I finish and hand everything in I will probably have to sign on to receive jobseeker's allowance. I would like to get a job that's not going to exacerbate my anxiety etc - the question is - how can I explain my situation to the jobcentre?

My issues are:

- Depression (I'm getting this under control)
- General Anxiety Disorder - I worry about things, but I also have physical symptoms like tense muscles, rapid heart rate etc - this comes and goes with no obvious trigger.
- Pure 'O' OCD - revolves around violent thoughts.
- Some social anxiety - fear of criticism, dislike interacting with people I don't really know.

I also have some physical symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, 'visual snow', poor concentration etc. I have found it a struggle to get through my degree - sometimes just managing an hour a day.

My question is - how do I explain all my physical and mental issues to the staff at the jobcentre? I have no issues with working - in fact I think it would help with some of my anxieties etc - but I really don't think I could do a full time job at the moment, and even then, there are a lot of jobs that at present I would find really difficult. My visual/brain fog issues also mean that I take longer to use a computer (my previous full time job was computer-intensive).

Thanks everyone