Hi everyone. New here. I have a few questions but I will tell u my situation first. I have been on ESA and DLA for 3 year. Went for assessment every year and failed. Put appeals in and won.put on DLA middle rate and low rate mobility. ( don't think it will affect my pay from ESA tho). This time round I heard 10 days ago I won my appeal. They sent a letter and i received it the day after I won. . rang job centre today and they had no verification that I won appeal. But I phone the day after I won and the gentleman said they have got notification I won. So the lady today must of been lying. What can I do about the job centre saying the havnt received the letter from tribunal yet? I have been on reduced amount of 71 pound for the past 10 month. How much will my back pay be roughly and also how much will my ESA go up to. I have been put in in work activity group again. Thanks so much. I wish good health amongst you all.