Hi all,

I am new here. Have had health anxiety for a long time but have felt quite good for a long time now until this :/

I am 33 and mum to 3 children the youngest only 9 weeks who I am breastfeeding.no history of breast cancers. Last march I had an ultrasound on my left breast as I developed. A sort of dip in it and skin dimpling. My gps didn't seem concerned and said it was due to lack of breast tissue in areas, past breastfeeding etc no lumps felt. Anyway after much persistence I was referred had normal ultrasound and told the dimpling was just in the skin and not due to an underlying issue.
When I got pregnant the dimpling went as did
The dip due to my breasts filling out so I felt much happier.
Fast forward now since my baby was about 2 wks old I have noticed a lump sticking out when full with milk, thought was a duct that was just filling and emptying slowly then to my horror realised it was not going down just dropping back into the breast after feeding if I push all the breast up when empty the same lump will still stick out. I am
So worried, been referred but having just rang the doctors the go only sent it off Friday! I saw her last Monday morning! The lump feels like a firm grape, not really hard and moves around. I can almost squeeze it between my fingers. Due to my anxiety I am paying to be seen privately at a one stop breast clinic tomorrow it's costing a lot but I am
Going crazy with this worry. More so as it's the same
Breast all the visual issues were on prior to pregnancy.
Thanks for reading my ramble.. Any experiences/ reassurance xx