A few days ago I started experiencing a swelling feeling in my throat, to the point where my neck began feeling very stiff. I tried to ignore it at first, but it hasn't really gotten better. In fact, it's gotten more prominent, and it's making me very nervous.
I just went to the doctor today, and he said my throat looks fine to him, and my neck feels fine, and said he thinks it's acid reflux. He prescribed me a pepcid alternative and seemed confident it would help. I took my first dose of pepcid and have felt absolutely no better. I know it may take time to act but I'm terrified, as I've experienced acid reflux symptoms in the past, though never with my whole neck feeling stiff. To make matters worse, I noticed a swollen lymph node (I'm assuming) under my jaw. It feels rather large, and to my knowledge, they only swell when there is something wrong. It was my first time visiting this doctor and now I'm regretting that I already left. I have no idea if I will easily be able to get ahold of them again or even what I should do at this point. I'm very very nervous. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, I have no sources of closure at the moment.

I am a 19 year old college student.