Does anyone else have experiences with taking this medication?

I've been prescribed it for anxiety since my doctor is reluctant to prescribe benzodiazepines due to their abuse potential, and this drug does not suffer from that. My doctor has never prescribed it for anxiety before though. I'm currently prescribed 3 x 25mg, not take as needed but have only been given a course of 7 days.

I'm also on 20mg of citalopram which is working okay, but in times of extreme stress I'm still melting down with anxiety - I get very irritable and agitated.

I have found it's either done nothing and then knocked me out completely - or if taken before bedtime has given me lurid nightmares that I clearly remember well into the next day. In this case I feel it's induced panic whilst I've been asleep.

Does anyone have experiences with this drug having a cumulative effect over time? I'm surprised by the take 3 x 25mg every day - some people have said a tolerance has grown to the sleep-inducing effects over time.

My surgery seems happy to keep throwing these things at me but it's just trying to make the best use of them for my anxiety and no one seems to have any answers - the doctor or the pharmacist!

Please note: I'm not looking for medical advice. I will continue to take the dose as prescribed by my doctor until I agree with him something different, but I am looking if anyone has their own experiences with taking these that I can take back to my GP for more help.
